Hospital Incinerators

Safely destroy a wide range of clinical waste at source and reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

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Inciner8 Incinerators and incineration

Hospital waste varies from site to site and the biggest challenge is to dispose of this wide range of waste streams using one solution.

Incineration is still the preferred way to process Type I to Type IV waste without endangering the health of patients, staff or anyone coming into contact with them.

Where are our incinerators are being used?

Our incinerators are used in every corner of the globe by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the United Nations (UN) as well as being supplied to many leading charities and aid agencies to help protect the health of vulnerable communities.

You will see our range of medical incinerators located in the hospitals and health clinics across every continent. Most recently, including 26 medical incinerators to the Eygyptian Army for use in military hospitals through Egypt.

“We are using a range of different incinerators from Inciner8 for the hospitals we operate in the region. Some of these are 100+ bed facilities while other are drop-in centres with relatively small volumes of waste”.

We recently supplier 20+ medical units to “Pacific Hazardous Waste Management” programme, PacWaste, as part of a €7.85M project across the South Pacific region.

Call +44 1704 884020 for more information on how our Incinerators can help your hospital with its medical waste streams

Incinerate Most Types of Hospital Waste

Due to the secondary chamber with its 2 second retention period* & minimum operating temperature of 850°C, our medical incinerator range is perfect to process most types of medical & pathological waste such as:

  • Type I – Type IV Red Bag Waste
  • Biohazards & Sharps
  • General Medical Waste
  • Pathalogical Waste
i8-m100 incinerator

Common Types of Hospital Waste

Infectious waste

Waste contaminated with blood & bodily fluids, bacterias & stocks of infectious agents from laboratory work, or from patients & equipment from isolation wards.

Pathological waste

Human tissues, organs or fluids, body parts and contaminated animal carcasses from theatres & laboratories. Includes out of date bloods & samples.


Syringes, needles, disposable scalpels and blades, etc. Usually stored in yellow plastic bins for protection for staff.


Solvents used for laboratory preparations, disinfectants, and heavy metals contained in medical devices (e.g. mercury in broken thermometers) and batteries.


Expired, unused and contaminated drugs and vaccines. Store in bottles, loose or blister packaging.

Genotoxic waste

Highly hazardous mutagenic, teratogenic1 or carcinogenic, such as cytotoxic drugs used in cancer treatment and their metabolites.

Radioactive waste

Such as products contaminated by radionuclides including radioactive diagnostic material or radiotherapeutic materials. These require specialist handling in many cases.

Non-hazardous waste

Waste that does not pose any particular biological, chemical, radioactive or physical hazard. Found in general waste bins at bedsides and in public areas.

Medical Waste Streams

  • Nightingale Hospital Waste
  • Hazardous Waste
  • Type I, II, III, IV waste
  • Bio-Hazard Waste
  • Red Bag Waste
  • Gauze & Bandages
  • Sealed Sharp Containers
  • Pathological Waste
  • Trace-Chemotherapeutic Wastes

Our incinerators can help you provide a viable in-house solution for improving the bio-security across your facility.
They can also offer a huge cost savings by removing the need for external waste management companies.

Year of Experience

With decades of knowledge in this sector, our hospital range of medical incinerators is designed to cater for the specialised requirements of large hospitals and medical centres during the internal waste management process.

Why choose a Medical Incinerator from inciner8?

Inciner8 have provided solutions to hospitals and large health clinics around the globe for years.

We understand the importance of total destruction at source which is why our medical units reach temperatures up to 1200°C with 2-second gas retention times. Our UK incinerator manufacturing facility ensures quality and performance are at the forefront of all our designs.

All our systems are designed, built and tested by our highly skilled team at our Southport headquarters proving you with the assurance of a quality engineered British product.